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You work hard for your child: Make sure to document it

On Behalf of | Aug 29, 2018 | Uncategorized |

If you’re in the middle of a child custody dispute, or about to be in one, there’s one thing you should consider doing immediately: Keep a childcare journal. This journal will include information pertaining to the daily things you do on behalf of and with your children. It could serve as the most important piece of evidence that your child custody matter hinges upon: Who serves as the primary caretaker of your children?

The parent who can prove the status of being the primary caretaker is the parent who will receive preference in any child custody case decision. In some cases, both parents serve as primary caretakers, and in other cases only one parent performed the lion’s share of the work required to raise the children. Regardless of your situation, you want to have evidence of the parenting tasks you performed.

In your parenting journal, you’ll want to make a note of the following things daily if you engaged in these tasks or activities:

  • Bathing your child
  • Reading your child a bedtime story
  • Taking your child to school
  • Driving your child to extracurricular activities
  • Taking your child for a fun activity
  • Doing your child’s laundry, preparing meals and other tasks
  • Changing diapers
  • Taking your child to medical appointments
  • Helping your child with homework
  • Any other activities you engage in with or on behalf of your child

If you’re curious about how to keep a successful parenting journal, and how such evidence could be helpful to you in your child custody lawsuit, learn more about New York child custody disagreements by visiting our website now.
