Dividing marital property is never easy in divorce, but some types of property create more challenges than others. Near the top of the list are businesses. When a family business is part of the marital property, the spouses must go through some complicated...
Extensive Experience As Family Law, Divorce And Business Law Attorneys
Property Division
What business owners need to think about when divorcing
When it comes to divorce, New York is an equitable distribution state. This means that marital assets have to be divided fairly, although this oftentimes doesn’t equate to an equal division. This can make the process complicated, especially when a business is...
What does equitable division of marital assets mean?
There’s a good chance that your marriage dissolution is going to be the biggest financial transaction that you engage in during your lifetime. A lifetime’s worth of wealth may be subject to division, and you might be on course to argue the merits of alimony and child...
Keeping the home versus selling the home in a divorce
There may come a time in your marriage where, while you love the house you have been raising your family in, you and your spouse may no longer love each other, and divorce is on the horizon. With that comes the difficult decision of what to do with the family home you...
Dividing business assets in divorce
In any New York divorce, the parties must divide any separate property from their marital property and then divide the marital property between them in a way that meets guidelines of fairness under state law. This property division process is the most time-consuming...
Is it worth it to keep the marital home in a divorce?
A marital home stands for far more than just its current market value. Family memories are inseparable from the physical space, which represents the focal point of the life you’ve built. It is of little surprise many people, when faced with the prospect of divorce,...
Considering divorce later in life? You should know these 3 things
Whether you are facing an empty nest, entering your retirement years or simply reflecting on how your life has changed, you may be reconsidering your life situation in your later years. If a divorce is a part of that consideration, here are three things that you...
How commingling of funds affects property division in New York
Without a doubt, property division is one of the most complicated parts of getting divorced. Even when both spouses agree on how to divide their marital property, they must still comply with the law. This means that a court might reject your agreement and make these...
Your pleasant personality could lead to an unfair property split
We know you don't need us to tell you how difficult it is to get a divorce. However, we choose to bring up these challenging situations to make sure that you prepare yourself for what is to come when divorcing. Aside from child custody and support, property division...
New York property division: Keep these things in mind
Getting divorced is challenging under the best of circumstances. Even when both spouses agree that divorce is the only solution, it is still a difficult process mentally and emotionally. The property division portion of divorce can be especially trying because...